just wanna share my journey for breastfeeding.... it is not such a simple thing to do...since in my family, not all did breastfeed their babies long enough, i wasn't really prepared
ignored breastfeeding. to me, it was something that we want to do, and not something that is necessary to do, like taking care of the wellbeing of the baby.
i don't even go to any classes for pre pregnancy,post pregnancy or lactation aid classes. little do i know, that these classes are best to attend to, as sometimes i do not even know how to handle such simple things regarding to the baby. the simplest example is that, when the baby cries, what are the actions that needs to be done. as i was the type that listened to every one that are older and wiser ( more experienced than i am), i tend to just follow them. the crying of a baby seems to be different each time, and a mother can sense it.
i don't know that, usually, a baby would cry when she/he needs to be hold,change their nappies, sleepy,etc. but, what i knew was that a baby cries when they are hungry...but, this is actually a false fact, as a baby would show cues or signs when they are hungry before crying. a crying hungry baby shows that they are too hungry, and it is actually not a good signto know they're hungry!!!
baby would show cues like they tend to be more alert, would suck their hands and more....so, we need to be more alert to the babies cues or signs.
these simple signs are what i need to know, as it is quite simple and EASY to understand. ughhhhhh..how i wish that i can turn back time.....
well, getting back to my breastfeeding journey, i could not say that i failed, but more like i learned and able to understand more... i have tried to give the best to my baby, but obviously i think its not enough. right now, i admit that i do feel useless and ignorant about breastfeeding, and i needed to have someone that could help me into this journey. i do feel stressed out, and in the end i think that i've wasted my time into stressing myself out.
i still do feel that i need help. a help from a proper lactation consultant. the problem is, i don't know what question to ask. where to start...but, what i know that i need someone that could highlight me in what i need to know, what i should , how to do it,etc,etc....
with less money going out from my pocket,
:)so, this entry is actually for me to get to know better on breastfeeding, what i
need to know, before getting a second baby.....
hmmm wonder when will that be ......
note for my self: be prepared, be
very prepared. go to classes. learn what you need to know. go into forums such as
breastfeeding .com, etc.etc...the point
is learn as much as you can.....