Monday, June 13, 2011

Birth of Harriz

Hi all,

I had been into delivery last Thursday, 9 June 2011. Gave birth to a lovely baby boy, weight at 3.5kg. A lot of difference from his elder sister which only came out at 2.7kg only. Well this past few days were a tough one. I had decided to fully breastfeed my son before he came out, and would really love to do it for his elder sister as well. But, no reason to fret about things that have passed, we need to focus on the current ones.

Well, for these past few days, had been quite an interesting and challenging one. Harriz just likes to sleep in the day and wakes up at night. At night, he would request to drink more and this is quite a challenge for me, and luckily, dear hubby is very supportive and would even stay awake when the baby is crying and tries to even soothe the baby, by cradling him every night.

But, I know that by doing so will not stop his crying. I am frustrated sometimes as the baby does not want to suckle properly, thus making me feeling painful at the nipple area.right now, I am hoping to get a lactation caunselor's help.

I hope that I can get one soon enough. Does anyone knows any in Shah Alam?.I had tried to get one here, but she seems to be busy.

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